40 research outputs found

    A Sequent Calculus for Modelling Interferences

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    A logic calculus is presented that is a conservative extension of linear logic. The motivation beneath this work concerns lazy evaluation, true concurrency and interferences in proof search. The calculus includes two new connectives to deal with multisequent structures and has the cut-elimination property. Extensions are proposed that give first results concerning our objectives

    Présentation : TALN, Web et corpus

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    Inferences and Dialogues in Ludics

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    International audience– We propose to use Ludics as a unified framework for the analysis of dialogue and as a reasoning system. Not only Ludics gives a denotational semantics for Linear Logic, but it uses interaction as a primitive notion. We first sketch a model for pragmatical and rhetorical aspects of dialogue after a brief review of the way the interactive aspect of dialogue may be represented in Ludics. Then we show how taking into account inferences that occur during a dialogue, with respect to a ISU-like model of dialogue. Through various examples we give an analysis of deductive inferences as well as processes making facts explicit that take place during knowledge updating

    Rewritings for Polarized Multiplicative and Exponential Proof Structures

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    13 pagesInternational audienceWe study conditions for a concurrent construction of proof-nets in the framework of linear logic following Andreoli's works. We define specific correctness criteria for that purpose. We first study the multiplicative case and show how the correctness criterion given by Danos and decidable in linear time, may be extended to closed modules (i.e. validity of polarized proof structures). We then study the exponential case. This has natural applications in (concurrent) logic programming as validity of partial proof structures may be interpreted in terms of validity of a concurrent execution of clauses in an environment

    Rewritings in Polarized (Partial) Proof Structures

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    This paper is a first step towards a study for a concurrent construction of proof-nets in the framework of linear logic after Andreoli's works, by taking care of the properties of the structures. We limit here to multiplicative linear logic. We first give a criterion for closed modules (i.e. validity of polarized proof structures), then extend it to open modules (i.e. validity of partial proof structures) distinguishing criteria for acyclicity and connectability. The keypoint is an extensive use of the fundamental structural properties of the logics. We consider proof structures as built from n-ary bipolar objects and we show that strongly confluent (local) reductions on such objects are an elegant answer to the correctness problem. This has natural applications in (concurrent) logic programming

    A Formal Framework for a Functional Language with Adaptable Components

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    We propose a component programming language called FLAC, {\em Functional Language for Adaptable Components}, on top of a functional programming language which authorizes full adaptability of components while ensuring type safety. The langage is given together with a type system that offers a complete static type ckecking of any programs (including adaptations) to ensure error-free run-time adaptations. Dynamic adaptability and static type checking might seem at first sight paradoxical, but our approach allows it because, first, we use a single language for traditional services and control services (i.e., services for adaptations), and secondly, a specific merge operation takes care of adaptations

    ALEXIA : Un environnement d'aide à l'apprentissage lexical du françaislangue seconde

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    Cet ouvrage a été publié dans le cadre de la collection Saint Cloud.Ce texte a éré aussi publié dans les actes du colloque Environnements Interactifs d'Apprentissage avec Ordinateur (1995), pp 79-90, Eyrolles, Paris.L'acquisition lexicale, et plus précisément l'acquisition des expressions lexicales, occupe ne place importante en apprentissage de langue seconde. Nous présentons, dans cet article, un système d'apprentissage appelé ALEXIA. Celui-ci propose une aide lexicale personnalisée en production et en compréhension. Il considère à la fois les stratégies d'accès lexicaux couramment employées pour modéliser la base de données lexicales, et celles employées par l'utilisateur. Le système propose également des activités lexicales pour l'aide à la rétention basées sur le lexique étudié par l'apprenant lors de ses travaux de compréhension ou/et de production. En ce qui concerne notre base de données lexicales, de nombreuses informations linguistiques sont disponibles. De plus, une aide à la correction des erreurs lexicales en production est accessible qui permet à la fois d'indiquer qu'un mot est mal employé, et de proposer expressions ou collocations mieux adaptées à ce qui est supposé être produit

    Lexical comprehension and production in Alexia system

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    In language learning, vocabulary is very important. Studies have shown that the dictionary is used very often in a written comprehension task. However, its utility is not always obvious. In this paper we discuss the improvements electronic dictionaries can provide compared to classical paper ones. In lexical access, they help the learner by making the relevant information selection and research easier and then improve the efficiency of usage. Our system, Alexia, contains specific lexical information for learners. In lexical production, computers gives us large possibilities with automatic processing. We will see how we use an analyser and a parser in order to make pedagogical new style activities

    Modelling lexical phrases acquisition in L2

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    The study focuses on the following points. It compares the views psycholinguists and computational linguists have concerning the processes of lexical access and lexical choice. Then it shows the similarities holding between the structure of the lexicon in L1 and in L2. It tries to offer a pedagogically realistic approach in vocabulary teaching based on these results